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乡下小孩没有什么资源,只有梦想。高中时期就梦想去台湾念书后转去美国。梦想侥幸成真。在美国念完企业管理硕士后就懵懵懂懂的去了北加州汐谷(Silicon Valley)。之后又有一个梦想就是创业。因为英文不是很好,只好自己成立一个公司,自己当起老板来了。一步一步的走了40多个年头。日子过得还算不错。我只能说,年轻人,一定要有梦想。








我公司名叫 Innova Products Inc. 主营康复健身器材(fitness equipment)。专注在倒立机(Inversion Table)板块。如有人背部不舒服,可以去研究一下倒立机的使用。

In 1980, I graduated from the Class of Literature and Commerce of Foon Yew High School. Later, I went to Taiwan to study. In 1986, I went to America with nothing more than a few thousand dollars to my name. The moment I got off the plane, I was looking for someone to introduce me to a job. I look back forty years later, and reflect on the experiences that I can share with younger students and alumni. Children from the countryside have no resources, only dreams. In high school, I dreamed of studying in Taiwan and America. I’m lucky that my dream has come true. 

After finishing my Master’s degree in business Administration in the US, I went to Silicon Valley in Northern California and began work on another dream of mine: to start a business. Because of the language barrier, my options were limited. I had to set up my company by myself, and become my own boss. I worked at it, step by step, for over 40 years. Looking back on that process, I would say that I did a decent job. Because of where my own dreams have led me, my belief is that young people must have dreams. 

My second piece of advice is to help others more. Don’t be too self-centered and you will naturally attract the people who will change your life. Your relationships with these people will impact your fortune, too. You create your own luck by helping others. 

The third thing I’d like to impart on young alumni is to be focused in their ambitions. If you think that you’re just an ordinary person, you can still achieve great things, but by doubling down and focusing one thing and doing it extremely well. It might be something common, but in committing to it, you will find that ordinary skills can become extraordinary. 

Originally, I intended to end it here, but the chairperson asked me what I could change about my life, if I could go back. After thinking about it, there are indeed quite a few points in my life I feel I’d change. In 1988, I came to the technology city, Silicon Valley. At the time, I knew about the dotcom boom in the early 1990s, but I didn’t look into it further, so I missed that opportunity. If I’d done the bare minimum and registered some common domain names at the time, surely, they’d be as valuable as gold right now. 

Next, I’ve lived next to Apple’s headquarters for over 30 years, yet, I did not foresee the development or importance of smart phones, so I lost my second chance. I eventually seized the opportunity to start a business online with Amazon and finally caught up with this trend. But if I’d held onto these high-tech stocks from a decade ago, that would’ve been perfect. 

In the past twenty years, high-tech products have become more and more integrated into our lives. I am a believer in Warren Buffet, but because I was too conservative and slow to believe in the significance of the changes around me and missing many, many opportunities.

Today, as we should have done as early as ten years ago, we should pay attention to innovations like the electric Tesla cars, to 5G, and many others that we hope are the right direction. 

I hope that my words can help younger students, not only to find their dreams, ideals, and persevere in their chosen focal pursuits, but also to pay attention to the changes around them. I’ve been alive for almost sixty years, yet, I don’t feel that I’ve achieved anything incredible or glamorous. All I have are these experiences and missed opportunities that I’d like to share with my fellow alumni.

My company’s name is Innova Products Inc. We specialize in inversion tables and rehabilitative fitness equipment. If you are experiencing back pain, inversion tables and similar machines may be helpful for you.


【品人生的味兒 】讓我們用三分鐘,讀一讀校友的心路歷程,或許從中,會是啟發我們的起點。