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因为疫情,2020年开始,我转入线上钢琴教学,目前全职担任线上钢琴指导,学生来自全美各个角落,这是一个全然不同的教学体验。同时也在不久前开启了一个YouTube频道 “Calm Frequencies.宫音阁” ( https://bit.ly/3u1ihzd  ) ,从事以电视剧音乐改编成钢琴背景音乐的制作。





After graduating from Foon Yew High School S3S3 in 2001, I proceeded to further my study in the US, majoring in Piano Pedagogy.

The journey wasn’t easy. In the beginning, language barrier was the biggest challenge, both speaking and understanding. Although I diligently studied English while in high school, being in a brand-new environment, there were other linguistic elements such as the American accent, local slangs as well as how ideas were expressed differently due to cultural differences that added to the challenge.

In the beginning, there were many times when I couldn’t understand the lectures. Although the lectures didn’t make sense to me, at least I was able to grasp the words being said by the professors. So during each lecture, I’d write down as many words as I could capture from the professor and went home to study my notes. After about a semester, things became easier.

During university time, I made really great local friendships that still last to this day. That really helped with overcoming language barriers. So my advice to juniors who wish to further their studies in a foreign country is, as much as you can, do not be afraid to mingle with the locals. By doing so, you will quickly master the language. Pay attention to the context where the slangs are used, how certain words are pronounced, and practice at home. Always practice, even if that means talking to yourself. Sooner or later, the language will no longer be a barrier to you anymore.

After graduating from the university, I continued to pursue the passion for music through the field of Music Education. I taught in Singapore as a secondary school music teacher, later on heading the Aesthetic Department, overseeing the school’s Performing Arts spectrum. After 6 years in Singapore, I moved to Seattle, continuing with the mission of training young musicians and adult learners who want to fulfill their dreams of playing the piano.

Due to the pandemic in 2020, I started teaching piano online. Currently running a full-time virtual piano studio, teaching students from different parts of the United States, as well as running a YouTube channel called “Calm Frequencies. 宫音阁” https://bit.ly/3u1ihzd, re-arranging Chinese Drama music into peaceful piano music.

Teaching piano is more than just teaching my students how to play a musical instrument. With younger kids, my aim is always, through learning piano, to develop the attitude of perseverance, attention to details, and the innate sensitivity towards artistic expressions. For adult students, I see my role as someone who fulfills my students’ childhood dream of wanting to learn how to play the piano and create beauty in music.

The biggest epiphany I learnt through years of playing music is, to be responsible for our energy when we play, in the effort to only bring goodness to those who listen. Most of us aren’t aware, but whatever state of mind the musician is in, the energy subtly but directly transfers through music to others who listen. It’s not hard to understand that a depressing or agitated musician will transfer the depressing/ agitated mood to his/her listeners, causing a ripple effect. And vice versa. As a musician, I see it as my responsibility to purify and align my energy towards love and goodness so that we can spread the same energy to others.

Looking back at the years in FYHS and some of the lessons I’ve learnt during the 6 years in high school, I think the really important ones are to respect others, especially our teachers and peers. Exercise the acts of kindness, pay it forward whenever you get a chance. Be thankful to people who had in one way or another contributed to us making the marks in our lives. Be thoughtful of where the water comes from when you drink it. I will always remember and live by it.

【品人生的味兒 】讓我們用三分鐘,讀一讀校友的心路歷程,或許從中,會是啟發我們的起點。